The booming business of Donkey meat in Kiambu County

Police in Kiambu County successfully uncovered a disturbing case involving the illegal slaughter of donkeys for consumption. A midnight raid in Kiahiti village, Gatune sub-location, led to the discovery of over 7 donkey carcasses. Acting on prior intelligence, officers from Nachu police post intervened just in time to catch the unscrupulous meat vendors in the act. These vendors were disguising donkey meat as beef and selling it in the city.

Residents in Kiahiti had raised concerns about the distressing sounds of donkeys being slaughtered, prompting the police intervention. Shockingly, the traders were not only extracting boneless meat from the carcasses but also packaging donkey intestines, kidneys, and other organs, selling them to outlets specializing in popular roadside dishes like mutura, supu, and matumbo.

These outlets have attracted a following, including residents from heavily populated areas and even expectant mothers seeking this rare delicacy at reasonable prices. Currently, a manhunt is underway for three suspects who managed to escape from the scene. The incident highlights the need for stricter enforcement against such illegal and unethical practices.

Consumption of donkey meat is illegal in Kenya, and the police have warned that those found selling or consuming it will be prosecuted.
The donkey is a protected animal and its slaughter is prohibited under the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act.

The act states that “no person shall kill, injure, capture or trade in any game animal without a permit.” The penalty for violating the act is a fine of up to Ksh1 million (US$10,000) or imprisonment for up to five years, or both.

The consumption of donkey meat is also prohibited in many other countries, including China, India, and Vietnam, reason for this is that donkeys are often treated poorly and may be given drugs or hormones that can make their meat unsafe to eat.

In addition, the donkey is a working animal and its slaughter can disrupt the livelihood of people who depend on them.

National Police are on alert cracking down on the illegal trade in donkey meat, and they have warned that those found selling or consuming it will be prosecuted.

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