Are People getting tired of Living or Environment is Getting People bored

Ngong Town

Asking a man what he wants is like asking a stone that doesn’t turn to turn to give you comfortable of sitting on it. In a group of 10 men only 2 are focused while 8 are just living to see tomorrow.

Not leaving women and under 13 years children, most women don’t know what tomorrow holds but have hope of living a better life, same with children having hope of being Leaders, Priest and Workings. Countless number of elderly people (age above 60) are proud to have live youthful and working times.

But people majority of the age above have mixed reaction not understand why their children and grandchildren are working so hard to eat, by better clothes and live good life. Talking with their deep voice of sorrows. The above 60 people feels their generation are being punished for unknown sin.

Few with wealth says they don’t enjoy the lifestyle because it’s Earth life is like war zone even if peace is seen by eyes but in real inner-life it’s war. With money getting Healthy food itself is a problem. Buying luxurious items feels good but for a short time they say, many people ask themselves questions that doesn’t have answers but after a result we found that people need one VOICE to pull life to comfort all.

Some Questions That Needs Whole World To Consider, According to Individuals

Why is Health Care Services too expensive?

Why is food Expensive?

What comes after living a better life on Earth?

Why People sell everything very Expensive?

Why do Currency loose value after 1min of having it in your hand?

Why do Warzone Countries targeting Whole Community instead of Individuals?

Why People doesn’t considering regulating Items Prices to save fellow Human stressing.

Why aren’t People Educating the right courses to make world better forever?

Live, Work, Buy and Eat have been a norm on daily basis for all but few ask what do world needs? Are we doing everything correct or we’re missing something. Most Parents what’s a better life for their children but what about them, also what comes after living a better life?

With wealth, handing over to new generation so that they also live a better life, living continues over and over to near end of the world, but what next?

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