The new chat self feature has triggered confusion in so many WhatsApp users, many users have no clue on why WhatsApp added the feature and how to use it.
The “Message yourself” feature has important roles to play, to people that have been waiting the feature knows very well
How to use the WhatsApp Message yourself feature
The feature has been on other social media for long and it’s important, yes.
Message myself, Use the feature to store important chats and documents sent either from WhatsApp groups, individuals chats or chats from elsewhere (other social media).
When you want to remember some chats and documents sent by others or came across on chat groups, forward the chats to yourself then go through later when you have time.
WhatsApp in their statement said, the new feature is encrypted for privacy reasons.
As first view feature (pinning chats) have been there for decades, you can pin yourself so that it stay on top of the other chats for easier and faster access.
Students discussing subjects/units also got this important feature to use it to advance their knowledge ( Forward to self to save notes ) for later use.
To avoid confusion, WhatsApp sending message to yourself , forward chats to yourself (to the same number) has been in use for decades but WhatsApp in the new update chose to simplify the feature by making it first view on the list.